Online SessionsIt is now perfectly normal to have meetings and social gatherings over the internet via any number of platforms. Personal training sessions are no different and can now be delivered online at a time and location of your choice. These …

Online Sessions

It is now perfectly normal to have meetings and social gatherings over the internet via any number of platforms. Personal training sessions are no different and can now be delivered online at a time and location of your choice. These are cost effective ways to stay fit and agile during the current pandemic and not only offer the physical benefit of staying healthy in line with government advice but also have added advantage of providing an additional source of social interaction and well-being. Sessions can be from a high intensity 30-minute workout through to a full 1-hour comprehensive session. 

Prices start from £30 and a block of 10 sessions start from £290 

Gift vouchers are also available for family, friends and colleagues.