Training ProgrammesThis service is my online web and app enabling me to support and manage my clients’ fitness by creating customized training and nutrition programmes, whilst tracking their progress and achievements.What do you get?There are three …

Training Programmes

This service is my online web and app enabling me to support and manage my clients’ fitness by creating customized training and nutrition programmes, whilst tracking their progress and achievements.

What do you get?

There are three main areas where Online Coaching will help you.

A tailored training program

Easy to follow, in depth training plan personalised to your needs and limitations. For the gym or at home, training anywhere, anytime. Following your workouts via the app with educational video demos to guide you through your workout. You will receive feedback after every workout to ensure you are understanding and performing exercises safely and effectively.

Daily accountability

You can message me at any time, and I’ll be there to respond to any questions and notes you leave after each day. You will also be a part of a WhatsApp community with likeminded people where post tips, recipes and anything inspirational.

Nutrition coaching

I will be giving you all the tools and knowledge to help you create an enjoyable eating regime leading you to perform, feel and look at your best. No over restrictive dieting here.

Price Plan

Whether this is your first experience of Online Coaching or you know the benefits and want to commit to a longer plan and save money we have a plan for you.

Monthly Personalised Online Coaching no commitment - Cost £150 per month

Commit to 3 Months Personalised Online Coaching and save £60 - Total Cost - £390 - Monthly Cost - £130

Are you serious? Commit to 6 Months Personalised Online Coaching and save £180 - Total Cost £720 - Monthly Cost - £120